Research & Development

Research Scholars pursuing PhD in EPCET

Sl. No Name of the Research Guide Name of the Research candidate Name of the University Area of Study Research Centre
1 Dr. Rohini Deshpande Ms. HEMAVATHI N V VTU Image Processing EPCET
2 Dr. Rohini Deshpande Mr. AYAZ PASHA S VTU Image Processing EPCET
3 Dr. Rohini Deshpande Ms. GLORIA N VTU Image Processing EPCET
4 Dr. Rohini Deshpande Mr. ULLAS KUMAR VTU Image Processing EPCET
5 Dr.Ganapathi D M Mr. B. Somashekar VTU Wireless power transmission EPCET
6 Dr.Rajashree Narendra Mrs. ASHA VTU 5G wireless networks EPCET
7 Dr.Rajashree Narendra Mrs.Madhushri N Kumar VTU 5G wireless networks EPCET
8 Dr. Jayanthi Kumari T R Shilpa S VTU Speech Processing EPCET
9 Dr. K Harshavardhana Reddy Mrs. Vetrikani R VTU Electric Vehicles

Research Projects

Sl. No Title of the Research Work Commencement of Research Work Name of Principal Investigator Name of the Funding Agency Project Cost
1 See Through Wall Imaging System for Search and Rescue Operations 18-01-2021 Dr. Yogesh G S VGST K-FIST (L1) 2000000/-
2 Scientific Research Activity for Collection and Analysis of Passive Sensor DATA 09-02-2021 Dr. Mrityunjaya V Latte
Dr. Yogesh G S
LRDE DRDO 967000/-

Pre Qualifier Submitted


Planning to submit the application
