Value Added Programs

Program Title’s with Company’s Name or Logo’s
Certificate Course of Robotics Process Automation Hands on training on Mat-lab for Engineers Certificate Course of Automobile Safety Systems
Certificate Course of Combustion Environment Certificate Course of Recent Trends In Quality Management Hands on training on Engineering Visualization By Altem Technologies

Value Added Course Content

Recent Trends In Quality Management

Course Recent Trends In Quality Management Associate Company
Course Coordinator Prof. Dinesh Kumar S Course Duration/Total Hours 30 Hrs
Course Objectives:
  1. Understand the fundamental principles of Total Quality Management.
  2. Be able to apply quality philosophies and tools.
  3. To understand the contemporary trends in logistics.
Module-1 Introduction - Need for quality - Evolution of quality - Definitions of quality - Dimensions of product and service quality - Basic concepts of TQM. The seven traditional tools of quality - New management tools - Six sigma: Concepts, Methodology, applications to manufacturing, service sector including IT - Bench marking - Reason to bench mark, Bench marking process - FMEA - Stages, Types. 12 Hrs
Module-2 Control Charts - Process Capability - Concepts of Six Sigma - Quality Function Development (QFD) - Taguchi quality loss function - TPM - Concepts, improvement needs - Performance measures 10 Hrs
Module-3 Need for ISO 9000 - ISO 9001-2008 Quality System - Elements, Documentation, Quality Auditing - QS 9000 - ISO 14000 - Concepts, Requirements and Benefits - TQM Implementation in manufacturing and service sectors. 8 Hrs
Course Outcomes:
  1. To manage and modify quality systems to maintain customer focus.
  2. To build the knowledge of implementation of quality in organization.
  3. Able to analyze the current trends in quality management

Robotics Process Automation

Course Robotics Process Automation Associate Company
Course Coordinator Prof.K Niranjan Rao Course Duration/Total Hours 30 Hrs
Course Objectives:
  1. Identify the components of a robot
  2. Program robots for different applications
  3. Introduce robots in various manufacturing techniques
Module-1 Robotics: Historical background, Definitions, Laws of Robotics, Robotic system and robot anatomy, common robot configurations. Coordinate system, work envelop, Elements of robotic system – end effectors, actuators, controller, teach pendant, sensors, Specification of robots. Applications, safety measures 12 Hrs
Module-2 Robot Kinematics:
Forward and reverse Kinematics of 3-DOF and 4-DOF Robot arms. Homogeneous Transformations, Kinematic Equations using homogeneous transformations
8 Hrs
Module-3 Actuators:
Hydraulic actuators, Pneumatic actuators, Electrical actuators. Directional control, servo control, Flow control valves. End effectors: Classification, Drive systems, Magnetic, Mechanical, Vacuum and Adhesive grippers, Force analysis in a gripper. Sensors: Need for sensing systems, sensory devices, Types of sensors, robot vision system
12 Hrs
Course Outcomes:
  1. To make the students to Identify the components of a robot
  2. To practice the students to Program robots for different applications
  3. To train the students to Introduce robots in various manufacturing techniques

Mat Lab For Engineers

Course Mat Lab For Engineers Associate Company
Course Coordinator Dr. Sahadeva G N Course Duration/Total Hours 30 Hrs
Course Objectives:
  1. Basics of Mat lab.
  2. Variables and Arrays .Initializing Variables in MATLAB
  3. An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics.
Module-1 Introduction to MATLAB, The Advantages of MATLAB, Disadvantages of MATLAB ,The MATLAB Environment , Using MATLAB as a Scratch Pad. Variables and Arrays .Initializing Variables in MATLAB , Multidimensional Arrays , Sub arrays ,Special Values , Displaying Output Data , Data Files , Scalar and Array Operations , Hierarchy of Operations , Built-in MATLAB Functions , Introduction to Plotting , Examples , Debugging MATLAB Programs 10 Hrs
Module-2 Input / Output Functions: The text read Function , More about the load and save Commands , An Introduction to MATLAB File Processing , File Opening and Closing , Binary I/O Function , Formatted I/O Function , Comparing Formatted and Binary I/O Functions , File Positioning and Status Functions , The text scan Function , Function uimport , , Exercises. Two – Dimensional Plots The Plot COMMAND , The fplot COMMAND , Plotting Multiple Graphs In The Same Plot , Formatting A Plot , Plots With Logarithmic Axes , Plots With Error Bars , Plots With Special Graphics , Histograms , Polar Plots , Putting Multiple Plots on The Same Page , Multiple Figure Windows , Problems 12 Hrs
Module-3 Three-Dimensional Plots : Line Plots , Mesh and Surface Plots , Plots With Special Graphics , The View Command , Examples of MATLAB Application , Applications in Numerical Analysis Solving an Equation With One Variable , Finding A Minimum or A Maximum of A Function , Numerical Integration , Ordinary Differential Equations , Examples of MATLAB Applications 08 Hrs
Course Outcomes:
  1. An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics.
  2. An ability to apply both analysis and synthesis in the engineering design process, resulting in designs that meet desired needs.
  3. An ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions.

Combustion and Environment

Course Combustion and Environment Associate Company
Course Coordinator Prof. Anjan Babu V A Course Duration/Total Hours 30 Hrs
Course Objectives:
  1. Outline the basics, theory and physical concepts of combustion.
  2. Recognize the different type’s fuels, understand Combustion stoichiometry.
  3. Recognize the different configurations of flames and boundary layer combustion.
  4. Understand effects of pollutants and its control.
Module-1 10 Hrs
Module-2 Introduction to Laminar Combustion: Physical description, flame speed and thickness, Bunsen burner, simplified analysis of a premixed flame Factors influencing flame thickness and velocity Quenching, estimation of quenching distance, flammability limits Ignition and flame stabilization.
Introduction to turbulent combustion Definition of turbulence, length scales in turbulent flows, Reynolds averaging and turbulent stresses, closure problem, mixing length hypothesis Characteristics of turbulent premixed flame, definition of turbulent flame speed, different flame regimes. Turbulent jet diffusion flames: flame length, factors affecting flame length Flame stabilization, lift-off and blowout phenomena
22 Hrs
Module-3 Droplet evaporation and combustion. Applications, simple model of droplet evaporation, Simple model for burning droplet, burning rate constant and droplet lifetime, Droplet burning in convective environments, real-world effects on droplet burning rate,
Pollutant formation and its control Effects of pollutants, emission indices, emissions from premixed combustion Emissions from non premixed combustion
22 Hrs
Course Outcomes:
  1. Understanding of pollution regulations and their scientific basis
  2. Apply knowledge for the protection and improvement of the environment
  3. Understand and analyze the combustion mechanisms of various fuels
  4. Appreciate the ethical, cross-cultural, and historical context of environmental issues and the links between human and natural systems.

Automobile Safety Systems

Course Automobile Safety Systems Associate Company
Course Coordinator Prof. Jayasheel I Harti Course Duration/Total Hours 30 hours
Course Objectives:
  1. Basics of automobile safety systems.
  2. Different types of safety with deformation behavior of vehicle body.
  3. Collisions safety and precautions
Design of the body for safety, energy equation, engine location, deceleration of vehicle inside passenger compartment, deceleration on impact with stationary and movable obstacle, concept of crumble zone, safety sandwich construction.
10 Hrs
Module-2 SAFETY CONCEPTS Active safety: driving safety, conditional safety, perceptibility safety, operating safety passive safety: exterior safety, interior safety, deformation behavior of vehicle body, speed and acceleration characteristics of passenger compartment on impact. 12 Hrs
Module-3 COLLISION WARNING AND AVOIDANCE Collision warning system causes of rear end collision, frontal object detection, rear vehicle object detection system, object detection system with braking system Interactions 8 Hrs
Course Outcomes:
  1. Understand the basics of the safety systems in automobile.
  2. Understand the different types of safety of the automobile.
  3. Gaining the knowledge foe collusions and their preventions

Hands on training on Engineering Visualization

Course Hands on training on Engineering Visualization Associate Company Altem Technologies
Course Coordinator Dr.Bharath K Bhat Course Duration/Total Hours 30 hours
Course Objectives:
  1. Usage of ANSYS platform hands on experience
  2. Creating Solid Modeling of 3D objects
  3. Exposure to the usage of ANSYS Mesh tool
Module-1 ANSYS Family of products with their capabilities . Types of analysis that can be done with ANSYS. Introduction to the Ansys GUI Operation Modes of Ansys . Product Launcher ,Launcher Menu Options ,The ANSYS GUI ,The Icon Toolbar Menu . Quitting Ansys 10 Hrs
Module-2 An Overview of Solid Modeling Operations Working with Boolean operations Working Plane Importing of 3D models 12 Hrs
Module-3 Free meshing or Mapped meshing ,Setting Element Attributes ,Selecting Element Type ,Shape Function e. Defining Element Types ,Defining Section Properties , Assigning Element Attributes before meshing ,Mesh Controls ,The ANSYS Mesh Tool ,Smart sizing k. Meshing ,Free Meshing ,Mapped Meshing , Hybrid meshing, Mesh Extrusion ,Volume Sweeping 8 Hrs
Course Outcomes:
  1. At the end of the course the participant will be able to use the ANSYS package to solve basic engineering analysis problems using FEA techniques.
  2. The participants should have some basic concept of engineering mechanics and familiarity with desktop environment

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