Value Added Programs

Full Stack Web Development

Course Full Stack Web Development Associate Company EPCET
Course Coordinator Dr. Anand R Course Duration/Total Hours 25 Hrs
Course Objectives:
  1. To study designing the web pages.
  2. To study formatting and validating web pages.
  3. To study designing web sites using different databases.
Module-1 HTML
HTML is the basic and must have skill-set for every web developer. It is used and extended by various other technologies. To be completely able to understand how things work in web development, you should develop an understanding of HTML. In this section, you will learn, Introduction to HTML

Browsers and HTML
Editor’s Offline and Online
Tags, Attribute and Elements
Doctype Element
Headings, Paragraphs, and Formatting Text
Lists and Links
Images and Tables

4+1 Hrs
Module-2 CSS
CSS is another important language amongst the web development trifecta. It will help you style, plan a layout and control the behaviour and look and feel of the web apps that you build. In this module, you will learn:

Introduction CSS
Applying CSS to HTML
Selectors, Properties and Values
CSS Colors and Backgrounds
CSS Box Model
CSS Margins, Padding, and Borders
CSS Text and Font Properties
CSS General Topics

4+1 Hrs
Module-3 JavaScript
The third one amongst the must learn trifecta, Js is present in about 90% of the internet. To make sense of what you’re doing and to design and build new web apps, this language is used predominantly, and it is indispensable. In this section you will learn the following topics:

Introduction to JavaScript
Applying JavaScript (internal and external)
Understanding JS Syntax
Introduction to Document and Window Object
Variables and Operators
Data Types and Num Type Conversion
Math and String Manipulation
Objects and Arrays
Date and Time
Conditional Statements
Switch Case
Looping in JS

4+1 Hrs
Module-4 ReactJS
Reactjs is the best and most popular framework for front-end development. An integral part of the MERN stack, its community is great, and the demand for reactjs specialists is only increasing day-by-day. React is great for Rapid app development, SPAs and for creating awesome responsive and interactive web apps. In this topic you will learn:

Templating using JSX
Components, State and Props
Lifecycle of Components
Rendering List and Portals
Error Handling
Redux and Redux Saga
Service Side Rendering
Unit Testing

4+1 Hrs
Module-5 MongoDB
This is a data driven schema-less NoSql database. It is a great tool to know. The syntax is very similar to javascript making it much easier to learn. You can use this for projects of any size and is also very easy to scale up or down depending on your requirements. In this module, you will learn:

SQL and NoSql Concepts
Create and Manage MongoDB
Migration of Data into MongoDB
MongoDB with PHP
MongoDB with NodeJS
Services Offered by MongoDB

4+1 Hrs
Course Outcomes:
  1. Develop website architecture with user interaction.
  2. Create servers and databases for functionality
  3. Format and validate web pages.

Basics of Data Science

Course Basics of Data Science Associate Company EPCET
Course Coordinator Mrs. Vanshika Rastogi Course Duration/Total Hours 25 Hrs
Course Objectives:
  1. Learn the fundamentals of data science.
  2. Empowering students with tools and techniques used in data science
  3. Demonstrate knowledge of statistical data analysis techniques utilized in business decision making.
Module-1 Python Basics
  • Python Basic Data types
  • Lists
  • Slicing
  • IF statements
  • Loops
  • Dictionaries
  • Tuples
  • Functions
  • Array
  • Selection by position & Labels
4+1 Hrs
Module-2 Python Packages
  • Pandas
  • Numpy
  • Sci-kit Learn
  • Mat-plot library
4+1 Hrs
Module-3 Importing Data
  • Reading CSV files
  • Saving Python data
  • Loading Python data objects
  • Writing data to CSV file
4+1 Hrs
Module-4 Manipulating Data
  • Selecting rows/observations
  • Rounding Number
  • Selecting columns/fields
  • Merging data
  • Data aggregation
  • Data munging techniques
4+1 Hrs
Module-5 Statistics Basics
  • Central Tendency
  • Probability Basics
  • Standard Deviation
  • Bias variance Tradeoff
  • Distance metrics
  • Outlier analysis
  • Missing Value Treatment
  • Correlation
4+1 Hrs
Course Outcome:
  1. Students will develop relevant programming abilities.
  2. Students will demonstrate proficiency with statistical analysis of data.
  3. Students will develop the ability to build and assess data-based models.

Pre Qualifier Submitted


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