Strategic Plan

VISION 2024 - 2029

Long Term Plans

  • Autonomous Institutions
  • Establish Incubations centre
  • Venturing in to more Government Projects
  • 100% Qualified faculty
  • Placements with Higher pay package
  • Participate and obtain position in ranking and Rating processes viz., NIRF, QS I Gauge, etc.
  • Skill Training and development based on Job Description (JD)

Milestones set for 2026

  • Deemed to be University – East Point University

Vision of the Institution

The East Point College of Engineering and Technology aspires to be a globally acclaimed institution, recognized for excellence in engineering education, applied research and nurturing students for holistic development

Mission of the Institution

M1: To create engineering graduates through quality education and to nurture innovation, creativity and excellence in teaching, learning and research.
M2: To serve the technical, scientific, economic and societal developmental needs of our communities.
M3: To induce integrity, teamwork, critical thinking, personality development and ethics in students and to lay the foundation for lifelong learning.

Ongoing Endeavors for Quality Escalation

Sl. No Mission Time line (Academic Year)
1 Enhancement in Teaching, Learning and Evaluation Process Ongoing
2 Update Infrastructure Facilities Ongoing
3 Enhance Research Culture in the campus Ongoing
4 Strengthen Alumni Involvement Ongoing
5 Expand Academic Consultancy Services Ongoing
6 Augment Library Facilities Ongoing
7 Enhance Industry-Academia interface Ongoing
8 Expand International Collaborations Ongoing
9 Enhance Institutional Social Responsibility Activities Ongoing

In the subsequent cycle of NBA Assessment conducted in 2023, the institute has obtained NBA accreditation for “Three” UG programs (CSE/ ECE/ ISE).

Following measures have been initiated for further growth and development.

  1. Autonomous status for the institution
  2. Curriculum Revision
  3. Collaboration with Industries and premier Institutions in the state and Country.
  4. Timely Conduction of Examination and Declaration of Results of every course run by the institute after conferring with autonomous status.
  5. Expanding collaborations and linkages for wider exposure for the students and faculty.
  6. Enhancement to Infrastructure facilities for autonomous status
  7. More titles and copies in the library and sufficient e-resources to supplement the learning process. Expanded the space for reading purpose.
  8. Recruited technical and administrative staff for smooth functioning of the Dept. Labs and Office.
  9. More emphasis given to Research projects specially AICTE, VGST and UGC funded Minor Research Projects
  10. All the departments conduct National Conferences, Workshops and Seminars
  11. Research projects, Funds from agencies and consultancy
  12. Introduced transportation facilities and uniform for the students

Quality Assurance Mechanism

Ensuring quality by adding professional impetus to all the programs and activities. The IQAC has decided to follow the functional model of Planning, Implementation Mentoring & Monitoring and Evaluation (PIM & ME).


Quality Assurance Model for Stakeholders

1. Students
Stakeholders play a vital role in enhancing the quality of education in HEIs. The institution keeping its vision tries to build up a better tomorrow through the buds which are enrolled at IIMS. Holistic approach for the integrated development of students stand as the primary focus of education at IIMS.
The institution has developed a strategic approach which incorporates all the aspects for the integrated development of the students.


E denotes effective class room participation which opens the wider horizon for the students in the process of learning that could be spelled out as discussions, deliberations, intellectual discourses, debates, presentations, role-plays, simulations etc..
P denotes practical exposure for the students in terms of hands on trainings, field work, exposures/observation visits, internships which allow the students to integrate theoretical learning into the real field (theory into practice).
S symbolizes the participation of students in sports activities; Encouraging students to actively participate in sports stimulate optimistic way of life in youth.
C designates participation in cultural activities of every student. Active involvement in the cultural activities develops the confidence level of the students and also enables them to explore their creative potential and skills.
O signifies outreach activities, the institution in its path to develop as youth community social outreach activities are conducted; extension programmes, Field Action Projects (FAPs), participation in NSS, Blood donation drives are promoted.
R represents the involvement of students in Research activities conducted by the institute, joining for data collection and analysis of commissioned research studies.
P denotes Placement. The aim of every student is to get placed after doing the desired course.

2. Teachers
TRAM is the model developed for the teachers.


The teaching faculty are involved in hardcore teaching ,research, administration and mentoring of students. Through this approach the roles and responsibilities of the teachers are highly projected.



  • Strong support from management to take the institution to higher levels of quality: EPCET has a strong brand name in the society Campus has a natural beauty with nearly 70% of open space, and has a peaceful environment.
  • Adequate infrastructure viz. classrooms, laboratories, library, etc. Adequate Internet facility. Faculty Student ratio of 1:15 as per AICTE norms
  • Qualified and experienced faculty members
  • Out of 146 teaching faculty members, 20 faculty members are Ph.D. degree holders and majority of the remaining faculty are pursuing their Ph.D. program.
  • High retention rate of employees


  • Average intake quality of students.
  • Nearly 40% of the students are not eligible for placements. Average placement record.
  • Poor industry-institute interaction. Poor alumni network.
  • Absence of centralized database system of students (ERP System) Lack of consultancy and funded projects.
  • Average supporting services such as bank, canteen, etc.


  • Located in Bangalore rural and hence the institution has the rural students development advantage.
  • Bangalore is the hub of numerous manufacturing and service industries and hence strong opportunity for Industry Institute Interaction.
  • Networking with premier institutes and Industry for advanced, applied research & academic interaction. Scope for educational collaboration with International Universities.
  • Scope for attracting students from all over the country and abroad. Institutional policies to support R & D and consultancy activities. Alumni networking for academic and placement activities.
  • Scope to enhance publicity and reach public through media


  • Stiff competition from private universities and autonomous institutions with flexible intake and teaching- learning process.
  • Entry of foreign universities in Indian Education system.
  • Declining quality of students admitted because of the increasing number of institutions. Declining commitment and loyalty to the profession among faculty members.
  • Limited employment opportunities in core sectors.


a. Infrastructure:

Sl. No Parameter
1 Physical Infrastructure upgradation
2 Laboratories upgradation
3 Capacity building for faculty and students
4 Residential facility for students and faculty upgradation
5 Sports facility upgradation
6 Industry sponsored Laboratories

b. Personality development and Industry exposure:

Sl. No Parameter
1 Co-curricular activities
2 Student exchange programme
3 Industry interaction
4 Number and types of live projects & Social outreach programmes
5 Incubation facility & Entrepreneurship programmes
6 Skill development programmes

c. Faculty strength:

Sl. No Parameter
1 Student faculty ratio
2 Quality of permanent faculty
3 Attrition rate of faculty is to be zero
4 Funded projects, Consultancy & Number of patents held
5 Faculty exchange programme
6 Research and consulting opportunities for faculty
7 Publications of research papers and books by faculty
8 Post-Graduation and Ph.D. programmes
9 Monitory Benefits for staff

d. Student Selection process:

Sl. No Parameter
1 Type of entrance examination
2 Ratio of Number of applications and No. of students selected
3 Fee structure
4 Age / Establishment of institute

e. Placement:

Sl. No Parameter
1 Placement in product companies & package
2 Number of recruiters
3 Salary offered in campus placements


The Best Practices that are followed in a top ranked engineering colleges and the status of the same at EPCET are:

  • Factors connected with organizational governance:
  • Faculty involvement: Yes,
  • Monetary benefits for extraordinary achievements of faculty members: Yes
  • Performance appraisal for faculty members: Existing
  • Skill up gradation of staff: Staff members are sponsored for FDPs at reputed institutes such as IITs and NITs.
  • Employers feedback on placed students: Yes
  • Admission criteria: A centralized system is in place. (Staff from various Departments and Office staff).
  • Alumni involvement: Yes

a. Factors connected with members of faculty:

  • Efficiency of faculty: Faculty members are efficient enough to teach the subjects they are assigned to. The evaluation of the same is done through a feedback system once in a semester. Corrective actions are initiated for faculty members not meeting a certain efficiency level. Such faculty members are advised to improve their teaching skills through pedagogy training.
  • Commitment of faculty: Faculty members are committed to the work assigned to them.
  • Publications: Faculty members have published / are publishing good number of research papers in reputed journals.
  • Academic research for higher qualifications: Institute encourages the staff members to pursue higher education on fulltime or part time.

b. Factors connected with students:

  • No. of instructional hours/week available: Around 40 hours.
  • Helping academically weaker students: A mechanism of counseling / conducting extra classes is in place.
  • Smart board projectors are equipped in almost all class rooms.
  • The institute has class rooms and laboratories with good ambience.
  • Students are provided with learning material in the form of class notes and PPT slides.
  • As per the university rules, in every subject (Theory), three tests are conducted for continuous evaluation. One semester end examination is conducted in each subject.

c. Factors connected with facilities:

  • Medical facility: On campus Hospital.
  • Hostel facility: Available for boys and girls.
  • Transportation: Available for both staff members and students
  • Sports: Available (A physical education Instructor conducts various events and prepare students for university level competitions).
  • Library and information: Available with 49000 volumes, 13,073 titles and subscription to e- journals. Campus has Wi- Fi network and broadband (1GB) for internet connection.
  • Training the students for placement purpose: Existing
  • Entrepreneurial Development: Not existing
  • Consultancy: Not existing
  • Industrial visits: The institute organizes industrial visits in every semester for the students of all the branches.
  • Patents: Limited numbers.

Sponsored research projects:
Few departments have taken up sponsored projects (Electronics & Communications and Chemistry, Civil )


  • After the analysis, it has been found that the gaps are existing in the following parameters:
  • More industry sponsored laboratories.
  • Centralized database system of students is to be setup (An ERP is being implemented).
  • Improve the placement records (higher salary packages in better companies).
  • Leverage our Alumni network for the benefit of the institution and current students
  • Obtain more Consultancy and funded projects, especially from Government bodies.
  • Tie-up with other, especially foreign, universities for faculty and student exchange programmes.

Pre Qualifier Submitted


Planning to submit the application
