Best Practices in EPCET

Best practice 1
  1. Title of the practice: -

    Student Project Exhibition
  2. Objectives of the Practice:

    • To provide a platform for the students to exhibit their skills and talents
    • To meet the challenges that arise in Industry, business and research establishments
    • To find innovative and cost- effective solutions for the problems faced by the society
    • To inculcate the spirit of entrepreneurship in career opportunities by nurturing technology product ideas
    • To provide opportunities like academia-industry collaboration, agreements, sponsorship, funding etc.
  3. The Context

    EPCET encourages students to participate in events related to innovation and skill enhancing programmes. Student Project Exhibition for Undergraduate (UG) students is being conducted every year to showcase the innovative and imaginative talent of the students. It is a move to implement outcome-based learning as it supports mission, vision and values set by the Institution through student achievements. Student Project Exhibition becomes a platform to assess the skill and demonstration ability of the students. The project work and exhibition helps the students to come out of their comfort zone and understand the application of theoretical concepts to practical aspects and prepares them to face the challenges in creating innovative products. It will enable the institution to enhance the quality of education and the process will continue year after year and improve the quality of higher education accordingly

  4. The Practice

    EPCET gives importance to enhanced teaching learning processes and thereby upgrading the quality of the graduating students. Student Project Exhibition is a platform where a special focus is given for bridging the gap between Industry and academia through Industry Institution Interaction. Student Project Exhibition is one of such performances where the Projects from all the disciplines are presented during the exhibition.

    The students have to setup their exhibits in full working form and demonstrate it to the visitors of the campus on the day and venue identified for this purpose. The projects presented at the exhibition were a testament to the exceptional talent and innovation of the engineering students. The judges highly appreciated the projects for their technical soundness, creativity, and applicability in real-life situations. The students demonstrated an in-depth understanding of the subject matter and presented their projects with enthusiasm, conviction, and confidence.

    Renowned Industrialists and government officials are invited to inaugurate and visit the exhibits. The students are encouraged to take up socio-economical projects which are eco-friendly, feasible and ethical. On an average, every year more than 80 projects are exhibited during the event. Parents, industry experts, government officials, students and faculty members of other colleges are among the list of invitees. Book of student project abstracts will be published after the exhibition. The book presents one page abstract of the student’s project. The abstract highlights the innovative ideas, research potential and concepts applicable to the project. All supervisors put their efforts in successful completing of these projects. Students and Faculty members from various other Colleges and schools attend the exhibition. Lot of appreciations were received by the Visitors with regard to the Projects exhibited by Students. Winners were rewarded with prizes

  5. Evidence of Success

    Total Project Exhibited in the last five years
    Year No of Projects participated
    2018-19 Not Applicable
    2019-20 Not Applicable
    2020-21 Not Applicable
    2021-22 97
    2022-23 80
    2023-24 82
    Total 259
  6. Problems Encountered and Resources Required

    • Financial Constraints in case of exceeding budget reduces the outcomes desired from the project
    • Contribution from all members group may not be uniform and assessment will be a challenge
    • Retention of valuable / exceptional exhibits is the most common challenge
    • Originality and novelty in the projects

  7. insdiss1
Best practice 2
  1. Title of the practice: -

    Sustainable Green Practices
  2. Objectives of the Practice:

    1. To inculcate environment consciousness amongst the stakeholders such as faculty, students and non- teaching staff.
    2. To create an environment conscious campus through eco-friendly practices
    3. To develop and beautify college campus which will result in an increased biodiversity
    4. To reduce the carbon foot prints by adopting renewable energy resources
    5. To contribute in the mitigation of local environmental issues as responsible citizens
  3. The Context

    Having a campus in 15 acres, the college contributes in developing a sustainable and environmental friendly way of functioning. Eco-friendly premises of the college adds to the aesthetic beauty and serenity of the campus and are used for the conduct of various events. College has more than 40 species of plants in the campus. College has rich biodiversity of trees and birds. The college has installed Solar Panels, Rainwater Harvesting System, Dip water irrigation system for gardening and treated waste water from STP plant for gardening purpose and Green Compost Machine for conservation of energy.

  4. The Practice

    In our constant endeavor to make the environment green and sustainable we follow and implement the following practices:

    • College has an environment and energy policy and also conducted green audit.
    • East point College of Engineering and Technology campus has solar panels which are installed over a roof area of 800 m2 and power capacity is 125 KWP generating almost 120000 units annually. This is taken as part of green campus initiative generating 4% of total energy requirement. This initiative results in reduction of 102 tonnes of CO2 emission per annum.
    • EPCET campus has adopted the usage of electric vehicles (EVs) in an effective manner
    • To conserve rain water, a rainwater harvesting system has been constructed to collect, store and use water.
    • The college takes immense pride in its green landscaping with many species of trees and plants. The gardens have Indian and ecological suited varieties of flora to preserve and maintain population of local small animal life
    • Eco Club organizes plantation drives, environmental awareness programs through poster making, Clean Campus drive, E waste collection drives etc.
    • Energy efficient bulbs and tubes are in use in the college campus and students are constantly instructed to turn off lights and other electronic devices when not in use. There are notices in each classroom that instruct the students and staff to switch off lights and fans when the classes are over so as to save electricity.
  5. Evidence of Success

    • Campus looks green, clean and fresh due to the mentioned efforts.
    • College maintains a healthy biodiversity with many different species of birds, insects and small animals, despite being in a heavily populated Bangalore city
    • College is able to use water which earlier used to be wasted as run-off.
    • College has significantly reduced its coal-based electricity consumption due to the installed solar panels.
    • The students have learnt the concept of reuse, recycle and reduce.
  6. Problems Encountered and Resources Required

    • Creating environment consciousness among the stakeholders and to change mindsets is a long and arduous task.
    • The effort to maintain the large green areas of the College is a herculean task and requires manpower, constant supervision and nurturing.
    • It is difficult to maintain a plastic free campus, due to inadequate alternatives.

  7. insdis1
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